CES 2019 – SquareOne Combines Board Game and Tablet


The French startup Wizama presented the first „board game console“ at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 2019, according to the company. The developers describe SquareOne as a combination of a classic board game with touchable elements and modern computer games. Wizama has won the CES Innovation Award 2019 in the gaming sector for this new concept.
The 19 inch tablet can be used by several players in parallel. The players carry out their action with real objects such as cards, dice and game figures on the display of the tablet, which in turn reflects the action of the players in the virtual in-game world.

The startup has developed a new patented technology which allows to recognize different objects on the display. A total of 26 slots are available on which game elements can be placed. As soon as the tablet is started, it...

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