Cyberpunk on the sofa with the Couchmaster CYPUNK from nerdytec


Recently nerdytec has already introduced the improved Couchmaster CYCON². Now there is a cyberpunk version of the CYCON², the CYPUNK.
Special edition
The new Couchmaster CYPUNK is the special edition of the CYCON². The design of the CYPUNK is just as sleek and not as bulky as its predecessors. With the special edition nerdytec takes the gamer into the cyberpunk world. And all this just in time before the release of the AAA-Cyberpunk-Dystopie. The high-quality side cushions of the couchmaster were provided with the artwork of the multimedia artist Matthew Midir of Outgroove Production with the help of a modern high-tech thermal printing process. The print brings the cyberpunk atmosphere directly into the living room at home and the next genre blockbuster can come.

