Nearby Share: Google brings its own AirDrop


AirDrop is a feature of Apple devices that Android users have always looked enviously at. Now Google has announced to release a counterpart to Apple’s popular service. Nearby Share should be available for all devices from Android 6 on.
Distribution has already started
The search engine giant has now started to roll out its new Nearby Share feature. Tablets and smartphones that have at least Android 6 installed as operating system can use this new feature. Initially, however, only selected devices may benefit from the feature. Thus, first of all the in-house devices of Google can use Nearby Share. These include Pixel 4, Pixel 4a and Pixel 4 XL. But some smartphones from Samsung will also receive the corresponding update. In addition to the smartphones and tablets, notebooks that use the Chrome OS operating system will soon follow.
Multiple waves of distribution
As it is usual with Android, not all users at once may benefit from the new service. This is due to the strong...
