Skyroam Solis Review: Mobile LTE Router with Internet at the Touch of a Button


The „Skyroam Solis“ is a peculiar device whose practical use is not immediately apparent to most people. To a certain extent, it is a „mobile router“ that guarantees access to the mobile network at all times and is therefore likely to be used primarily on trips abroad.
Those who only rarely travel will now object that flat rates abroad and WLAN access to hotels and restaurants abroad would be completely sufficient. However, frequent travellers and people travelling in distant regions know that these access points are not always reliable, safe or economically viable. It is precisely this clientele that the Silicon Valley-based start-up with its bright orange box is addressing.
Design and Workmanship
The most striking optical feature of the mobile Internet provider was already anticipated in the last sentence: It’s kept in bright orange. At first sight, this colouring seems irritating. The start-up company Skyroam, however, provides a profoundly pragmatic explanation of the...

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