Switzerland: Netflix and Co. become a „network burden“ in the corona crisis


The effects of the corona pandemic are far-reaching and now affect all areas of life. Not only do quarantine measures but also simple precautions force people to stay within their own four walls. The same applies in Switzerland. Here a „quasi-exit ban“ has now been imposed. As a result, home office, e-learning, online gaming and video streaming are on the rise. Now the Swiss Swisscom network is feeling the effects of this multiple usage. In order to get the problem under control and avoid a network crash, a temporary stop of streaming providers is now being discussed.
Network load increases
Certainly we are currently in a kind of state of emergency. Many have to stay at home to work, learn or simply to protect their fellow human beings. While books and parlour games used to be used to pass the time in their own four walls, there are other ways to do so in our Internet age. This is also reflected in the figures of Netflix. Since the beginning of the Corona crisis, the number of...
